Commercial Driver DUI Lawyer Wisconsin
Choose the Best
With Your Career on the Line
- Wisconsin's Only True DUI Defense Specialists
- The State's Top-Rated OWI/DUI Law Firm
- Experts in Blood and Breath Testing
- 24/7 Statewide Representation
Did You Get Notice of Intent to Suspend/Revoke? You Have 10 Days to Appeal: Call Us Right Now

If your blood alcohol content (BAC) was above the legal limit at the time of the arrest, you will receive a form called a Notice of Intent to Suspend Operating Privileges. You have just 10 days to request an appeal of your license suspension once you receive this form. It is a certainty that your license will be suspended if you miss the 10-day window, even while your case is pending.
If you refuse all blood or breath alcohol testing outright at the scene of the arrest, the responding officer will issue a form called a Notice of Intent to Revoke Operating Privileges. You also have just 10 days to request an appeal once you receive the form, and it is a certainty that you will lose your license if you miss this window, even if your case is pending.
However, if this is your first OWI/DUI offense as a commercial driver's license (CDL) holder, Andrew Mishlove and Lauren Stuckert can help you with that appeal, starting right now. Wisconsin's top DUI defense specialists can work to save your personal license, your CDL, and even have your charges reduced or dropped entirely.
Success Story: John's Administrative Suspension Proceeding
How Andrew Mishlove Saved
a Professional Driver's License
John received a Notice of Intent to Suspend Operating Privileges due to a blood test result over the legal limit. Because John drives for a living, potential license suspension was especially serious. Thankfully, John reached out to Andrew Mishlove as soon as he could, and Andrew got to work preparing for the appeal.
In a hearing held before an examiner for the Department of Motor Vehicles, Andrew Mishlove successfully demonstrated that the government had failed to show probable cause to believe that John was driving poorly in the first place. The action to suspend John's license was dismissed.

Get Back on Course
With One Call
Free Consultations for
Working Drivers Accused of DUI
You worked hard to get to where you are today. We don’t think you deserve to lose your means of providing for your family because of a simple mistake or someone else’s error.
If you have one call to make after getting pulled over for OWI/DUI in Wisconsin as a CDL holder, that call should be to Andrew Mishlove and Lauren Stuckert. We are the state's top-rated DUI defense law firm for a reason, and we can begin building your defense immediately, starting with a free consultation.
You have everything to gain from a partnership with the right lawyer. Reach out to us right now so we can hear your side of the story.
We'll Earn Your Trust as Our Client “I would not let anyone I care about hire any firm but them.”
I can not be happier with my decision to hire on Mishlove & Stuckert to represent me for a felony DUI in 2019. While I was represented by Lauren Stuckert, I was also assisted by Andrew Mishlove as well as their hardworking paralegal staff in all the needs that arose during the process. Lauren was genuinely caring about the aspects of my case as well as the issues that were going on in my life. I would not let anyone I care about facing such a situation hire any firm but them.
View On GoogleI owe a great debt of thanks to Andrew Mishlove. Andrew is an expert in OWI defense. He is incredibly well informed and prepared before a trial. He is approachable, a professional, and serious. Finally, Andrew was always a gentleman in and out of court. He was well liked by the judges, the prosecutor and most importantly, the jury. His courtroom demeaner and ethics were unflappable. I highly recommend Andrew Mishlove. He is worth whatever your future is worth.
View On GoogleMeet Andrew Mishlove and Lauren Stuckert Wisconsin's Top-Ranked DUI Defense Lawyers
The top two commercial driver DUI defense lawyers in Wisconsin are ready to take your call.

Andrew Mishlove is the first board-certified drunk driving defense specialist in Wisconsin and a current member of the Board of Regents of the NCDD. A published author and lecturer, Andrew is also the developer and Course Director for the Serious Science Blood Analysis courses taught at the Shimadzu Laboratory at the University of Texas-Arlington. He is rated by AVVO as the top OWI/DUI defense lawyer in Wisconsin and one of the top DUI defense lawyers in the United States.

Lauren Stuckert is the second board-certified drunk driving defense specialist in Wisconsin and the youngest attorney in the nation to achieve that credential. Lauren is a master of the science behind blood alcohol testing. She was the first Wisconsin attorney to earn a Forensic Chromatography Blood Alcohol Analysis certificate from the American Chemical Society. She is a national educator who teaches other attorneys how to best defend clients accused of drunk driving.
Success Story:
When Hope Seems Lost
Mishlove & Stuckert Can Find the Best Outcome
Paul is a truck driver who was facing a 3rd offense OWI/DUI charge in Winnebago County. Paul had been found passed out behind the wheel of his running vehicle at a truck stop. His career was on the line.
Andrew Mishlove worked hard on Paul’s case, which culminated in a jury trial. Andrew successfully argued Paul’s defense, and Paul was found not guilty. His career was saved.
We Can Represent You Anywhere in Wisconsin
We work statewide, 24/7. No matter where or when you need us, we'll be ready, starting with your free consultation. Schedule at one of our four offices, or we can come meet you where it's most convenient.
You've Found Your Commercial DUI Defense Team “If you’re searching for an attorney for an OWI case, stop looking.”
1st OWI reduced to reckless driving. An absolute life changer and we are so deeply grateful for the expertise and knowledge that this law firm has provided. Everyone at this firm was kind, respectful and hard working. We were kept informed of the proceedings as they were happening and our questions were answered promptly, even after hours. I cannot put into words how much Andrew Mishlove has helped us through the impossible. Best lawyer hands down! Regards!
View On GoogleLauren was reassuring and professional every step of the way. It was clear that she placed a high priority on getting my case resolved. When my case was finally called to trial, I can’t express how impressed I was. Without going into details, she knew when to ask what questions and when to raise what issues. She was a shark when she needed to be while always remaining composed. If you’re searching for an attorney for an OWI case, stop looking. Lauren will fight for you every step of the way and you will get the best possible outcome. I know I certainly did.
View On GoogleWhat's at Stake As a CDL Holder Charged With OWI/DUI in Wisconsin
Your Career
If you’re arrested for a first offense OWI/DUI as a CDL holder in Wisconsin, you could lose your CDL for one year, or three years if you were hauling hazardous materials at the time of the arrest. You’re subject to lifetime CDL disqualification upon a second OWI/DUI conviction.
Your Reputation
It’s hard to find work as a driver with an OWI/DUI on your record. Even if you’re no longer able to drive professionally, you may still be required to have an ignition interlock device (IID) installed in each of your personal vehicles upon an OWI/DUI conviction. You’ll have to prove your sobriety any time you want to use your vehicle.
Your Freedom
You could go to jail if you injured someone or if there was a minor present in the vehicle at the time of the OWI/DUI if it’s your first offense. Second offenses carry a mandatory minimum jail sentence of five days to six months. Our attorneys can help you protect your ability to be with and care for your family.
How We'll Plan Your Best Defense “Once you retain us, we get to work immediately.”
Andrew Mishlove explains how committed we are to fighting for each and every one of our clients.
Success Story:
Showing Your Side
Mishlove & Stuckert Call Inconsistencies to Light
An anonymous citizen called in to report B., a truck driver, for driving erratically on the freeway. A deputy followed up on this dubious report by following B. for miles. Though the deputy did not observe B. driving erratically, he was driving seven miles per hour over the speed limit.
When the deputy pulled B. over, B. reportedly smelled of aftershave and spoke with an accent. B. was arrested for drunk driving and refused a breath alcohol test. His blood was forcibly drawn and returned a result of .14%. He was facing a jail sentence and the loss of his career.
Andrew Mishlove argued that the deputy only had probable cause to detain B. for speeding. Video from the squad car that showed B. driving normally for about 4 miles supported the argument, making all the other evidence inadmissible. B. avoided jail time and license revocation, saving his career.
If These Factors Apply to Your Case, Mishlove & Stuckert Are Equipped to Help

OWI/DUI Causing Personal Injury
An OWI/DUI in which even minor injuries were caused comes with the possibility of mandatory jail time. Grievous injuries may carry a prison sentence. Whether or not the accident was your fault, with your future on the line, it's in your best interest to retain a DUI defense attorney immediately.

OWI/DUI With Minor in Vehicle
You're subject to both OWI/DUI charges and child endangerment charges if there was a minor traveling with you at the time of the arrest, whether you were traveling in your truck cab or a personal vehicle. Let us make your side of the story clear and help you defend your right to be with your children.

Drivers Registered in Illinois
An OWI conviction in Wisconsin can ruin your career if you're a CDL holder registered in Illinois. We regularly work with Illinois drivers of personal and commercial vehicles who have run into trouble over state lines. Let Mishlove & Stuckert protect your personal and professional licenses.
Praise From Fellow Attorneys “I refer other lawyers and clients to Mishlove and Stuckert.”
Lawyers refer other lawyers to those who… represent clients at the highest level. I’m from Los Angles, CA and here is here I’d send my clients. Who cares about clients? The ethics of the profession? Andrew, that’s who.
View On GoogleAndrew and Lauren are exceptional people and lawyers. Without exception, when I am asked who to call regarding a Wisconsin DWI/DUI, I refer other lawyers and clients to Mishlove and Stuckert.
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