Mishlove & Stuckert, LLC Attorneys at Law

OWI/DUI and Prescription Pills

Aug 30, 2019 @ 10:54 AM — by Andrew Mishlove
Tagged with: Owi Prescription Drugs

The Wisconsin law firm of Mishlove & Stuckert, LLC is here to help people throughout the state if hey’ve been arrested while operating a vehicle under the influence. People changed with drunk driving deserve access to a skilled OWI/DUI defense lawyer, someone who will ensure that the system works properly and fairly for everyone.

Attorneys Andrew Mishlove and Lauren Stuckert have discussed drunk driving a fair amount on this blog. We haven’t explored drug use behind the wheel too extensively, however. Right now, we want to consider the use of legal prescription drugs behind the wheel and why that may be grounds for OWI/DUI charges.

OWI Charges While on Legal Drugs and Medications

We often think of OWI/DUI charges issued for drunk driving and the use of narcotics. Yet people can be intoxicated on legal drugs, whether they’re prescription medications or even over-the-counter medications. The fact of the matter is that taking legal drugs and driving can be a lethal combination depending on the scenario. Some medicines can leave you drowsy or unable to make sound decisions, which puts you and others at risk.

Given these realities, police officers can pull people over if they are driving erratically and pose a hazard to others on the road.

Opioid Abuse and OWI Charges

Pain killers are among the most abused prescription drugs in America. Opioids in particular are of special concern. The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that roughly 11.4 million Americans misuse and abuse opioids. In addition, more than 130 people die each day as a result of abusing opioids.

Testing for Use of Prescription Medication

If you are pulled over and arrested while under the influence of legal drugs, you will need to be tested at the station. Typically this will involve a blood test since medications are undetectable using a breathalyzer. When the results come back from the lab, it can be determine what drugs or substances were in your system at the time of arrest.

Legal Penalties for Operating Vehicles While intoxicated

Whether you’re driving under the influence of alcohol or operating a vehicle while using prescription drugs, the same penalties apply in the state of Wisconsin. These penalties include fines, possible imprisonment, and revocation of your driver’s license. You may be able to perform community service instead of being incarcerated. The judge may also mandate that you attend drug treatment in order to address possible addiction and abuse of legal drugs.

How Our Law Firm Can Help

If you’ve been arrested for driving while under the influence of prescription drugs, our attorneys will work to ensure you receive a fair hearing and that the traffic stop was carried out by the book. If you were driving safely and the police officer had no probable cause to pull you over, you may be able to contest the stop and the OWI charges.

Regardless of the circumstances, we are here to provide advice and guidance through the process. Our focus for all clients is reducing penalties and possibly avoiding jail time.

Speak with Our Attorneys

For more information about your legal options following an intoxicated driving charge, be sure to contact our team of OWI/DUI defense lawyers. You can reach Mishlove & Stuckert, LLC by phone in Milwaukee at (414) 206-6918 and in Waukesha at (262) 207-4527.